Almost all my papers are available on arxiv.
- Latroids and code invariants (with E. Gorla), submitted.
- A geometric invariant of linear rank-metric codes (with V. Astore, M. Borello, and M. Calderini), submitted.
- Integer sequences that are generalized weights of a linear code (with E. Gorla, E. Lorenzo García, and U. Martínez-Peñas), submitted.
- An upper bound for the solving degree in terms of the degree of regularity, submitted.
- MacWilliams’ Extension Theorem for rank-metric codes (with E. Gorla), Journal of Symbolic Computation, no. 122 (2024).
- Generalized column weights and equivalences of convolutional codes (with E. Gorla), Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 23.07 (2024).
- The addition theorem for locally monotileable monoid actions (with D. Dikranjan, A. Fornasiero and A. Giordano Bruno), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 227, no. 1 (2023), 107113.
- Generalized weights of convolutional codes (with E. Gorla), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 69, no. 8 (2023), 4927-4943.
- Optimal anticodes, MSRD codes, and generalized weights in the sum-rank metric (with E. Camps Moreno, E. Gorla, C. Landolina, E. Lorenzo García and U. Martínez-Peñas), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68, no. 6 (2022), 3806-3822.
- Additivity of the algebraic entropy for locally finite groups with permutable finite subgroups (with A. Giordano Bruno), Journal of Group Theory, no. 23 (2020), 831-846.
- Sum-rank metric codes (with E. Gorla and U. Martínez-Peñas)